Nov/Dec Specials

Christmas Skin Special

Beautiful Skin

Beautiful Skin

If you want your skin to glow and your complexion to sparkle – we can make that happen!

Our individually tailored range of skin peels tick every box, to create a perfect and beautiful new you!

Tailored to suit individual skin types and skin problems of all ages.  Our experts will deliver truly exceptional results!

Individually Tailored Peels from €150

Until December 31st all Peels are on Special Offer at a discount of 20%

Treatment must be booked and secured with a deposit before December 31st to avail of the discounted price.

Pigmentation and Facial Veins

In a Research Study by Matts, Fink & Burquest (2007) Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology; evaluating whether skin colour changes in melanin and vascularity (pigmentation and redness) influences peoples perception of age, attractiveness, health and youth. The findings show that by improving skin clarity, colour and texture, you can achieve a reduction of the perceived age of a woman by as much as 15 years! Now with a 15% reduction on our IPL Skin Clarifying Treatments, perhaps its time to pay Body Benefits a visit for achieve clearer, healthier and younger looking skin!

IPL Skin Clarifying

IPL Skin Clarifying

Leg Veins

Leg Veins before

Leg Veins before

Leg Veins After One Treatment

Leg Veins After One Treatment

There is no better time to treat leg veins than the autunm/winter period when they are covered up in your warmer clothes!  Removing unsightly veins now ensures that your legs will be looking their best next spring/summer when the weather gets warmer and the hemlines get shorter.

Both Sclerotherapy and Laser Vein Removal Treatments on the leg areas are now on offer at a 20% Discount if booked and secured with a deposit before December 31st 2016.